Thursday, November 09, 2006

You've received a postcard from a family member!

1001 Postcards Home

Aunt Edna Virus & postcards.gif.exe << NB double file type typical of a virus

This Is Not A Real Postcard, And No, It Didn't Come From Our Site

If you got here with a pickup code (something like "35-dodge-treads-aunt", "d21-sea-sunset" or "a91-valets-cloud-31337"), then you should know that the message you received was not a real postcard from our site.

On December 10th, 2004, some jerk released onto the internet what has come to be known as the "Aunt Edna Virus." Basically, that person faked one of our notification emails by switching out the links for links to an infected website. (No, our site is not infected.)

Update: Now there's a second person out there spamming people with a fake greeting card notice, slandering our site. The title of this newest abomination is "You've received a postcard from a family member!", and actually links to a malicious exe file. We believe it was sent by someone that refers to himself as "Dani MAD". If you happen to know who he is -- we're assuming it's a he, since most she's have better things to do -- please, let us know. And if you happen to hit him with a fast-moving car, we'll won't be displeased.

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