Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

BU-gruppen BLOG Dansk Forfatterforening

Børne og Ungdoms gruppen: "Gyldendals redaktionschef for børnebøger, Ulla Selfort, sammenfattede den aktuelle situation for børnebøgerne fra forlagssynspunkt som ”det går rigtig, rigtig godt” ved et møde på Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet / Center for Børnelitteratur den 10. maj 07"

Der er nu reelt kun 6 indkøbere af bøger til privatsalg i Danmark: Dansk Supermarked (BILKA, Føtex, NETTO), COOP og de nu fire boghandlerkæder.

For nogle år siden var der 700 selvstændige boghandlere i Danmark i ofte 2-3 generation. De levede stille og godt i læ af nogle samhandelsregler overlevet fra enevældens tid i 1840’erne.

read more in danish

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Louisians Museum of Modern Art on Flickr

Brumleby, train, signal failure, bus from Skodsborg to Louisians Museum of Modern Art and back to Copenhagen - a photoset on Flickr

I concentrated on the gardens and sculpture this time


and took snapshots of the sea and beach

View as slideshow (open in a new window)

googlepages and art

I came across a group of Copenhagen artists some of whom have Google Pages
for example:-

kirstenloenberg - Kirsten Lønberg:
"Århusgade 80
2100 Kbh Ø
Mobil 22 14 15 81"

but they don't appear on google searches well if at all.

Kunst 2100 is an art society situated on Østerbro in Copenhagen.

55 members

annual open days I was visiting them in April 2007
30 artist are exhibiting in 11 workshops and studios the 5th and 6th of March 2005

kunst2100 - kunstnere list of memebrs

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Damien Hirst

Damien Hirst Exhibition at White Cube gallery | Galleries | This is London: "

No its not a naked version of C-3PO from Star Wars, but another impressive statue from the countrys leading artist

6 of 8
No it's not a naked version of C-3PO from Star Wars, but another impressive statue from the Britains's leading artist"

Juan Valverde de Amusco's Anatomy of the Human Body (1560)
Anatomia del corpo humano
a flayed man clasps a dagger in one hand and, in the other, holds his own skin dangling down

London Entertainment Guide from The Evening Standard | This is London

damien hirst - Google Search: " (born June 7, 1965)" - Google Image Search

flayed man - Google Image Search -- flayed man anatomy book - Google Search

Historical Anatomies on the Web: Juan Valverde de Amusco Home